Hola & Servus

Welcome to Phiva, a dynamic tech company specialising in bespoke web application development. We’re rooted in both Malaga and Vienna and have built our foundations on a decade of experience and innovation. Our aim? To craft applications that address the unique needs of our clients across various industries.

Our expertise lies in developing web applications that solve complex problems and enhance efficiency. We’ve created solutions that enable users to monitor and manage their energy consumption data, deliver real-time information through APIs, and streamline retail processes.

Phiva is committed to delivering high-quality, innovative solutions. With robust client relationships maintained through personal and virtual communication, we ensure accessibility and responsiveness. Backed by a legacy of excellence in web development, we look forward to serving you with our tailor-made, impactful solutions.

We look forward to serving you with our new brand, backed by the legacy of a decade of excellence in web development.

Meet our Team

Lead Developer
Phillip Fickl

My journey in web development began in 2011, when I founded Webcrab in Vienna at the young age of 18. Initially, I focused on developing small websites, primarily based on content management systems such as Joomla and WordPress. However, the turning point arrived in 2014 when in collaboration with Peter Ostermann and his company BTM, we developed the ista-VDM web app. This experience sparked a transition in my focus, from CMS to custom, tailor-made applications.

In 2017, I co-founded bookitgreen with Moritz Hintze, a booking platform for sustainable holiday accommodations, while living in Berlin. This venture received significant media attention. Currently, the website is still online, but it will likely close its doors permanently and be continued by EcoBnB in the future.

Upon my return to Vienna in late 2018, I realised the need for a major shift in Webcrab’s operations. This led to a substantial reduction in the number of projects, with a renewed focus on delivering quality over quantity. This was the end of CMS projects and the beginning of an era of customised, in-house developments.

Now, I’m excited to present Phiva, a new company that embodies the lessons I have learned, the expertise gained, and the commitment to quality that defined Webcrab. At Phiva, our focus is on bespoke web application development, continuing my journey of crafting high-quality, tailor-made applications that address the unique needs of our clients.

You can find my complete resume on LinkedIn.

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